About Me

Hello everyone, I am an FFXIV Gposer in-game and serve as an Event Photographer across four RP venues on Crystal. Gposing is my way of relaxing, and I may be a bit addicted, but I find it a lot of fun.I do SFW and NSFW on both solos and groups. I do ask that you have a little bit of an idea of what you would like, and I'll be able to work from there. I also do scenes and storytelling through screenshots, as I find doing these types of screenshots can be a whole lot of fun and creative. Plus, they can tell a lot about your OC.While taking photos, I will DM a pose sample to allow any adjustments. Once given the approval, I'll finish up the set and DM you the finished product. From there, you may post the pictures wherever you like. Please give credit where credit is due.

Where you can generally find me:I can be found at any of the Honey Bee Inn Venues, where I accept Bookings during operating and off-hours. The link to their site is posted below. However, if you wish to contact me directly, you can usually find me under the following:
Cyrille Spyros
Ayesha Dove
Finnel Soiree
Asbel Leclair
Just shoot me a tell to grab my attention and I will respond as quickly as possible.
If you wish to contact me on Discord, please ask for it first if you are not already on any mutual servers with me.
You may also contact me on my social media by clicking the twitter link down below


What I charge?My Prices can vary depending on:One: The complication of the pose and what is being asked.Two: How many people will be Included in said photo.Three: How many photos are being asked to be taken.Solo Shots
1 Character
1 Pose
3 Shots
50k | extra character
100k | extra pose
200k | extra shots
2 characters
2 Poses
4 Shots
50k | extra character
100k | extra pose
200k | extra shots
5 characters
3 Poses
5 Shots
100k | extra character
50k | for minions
100k | extra pose
200k | extra shots

Solo Shots

Couple/ Pair Shots

Portrait Shots

Sets / Scenes

Action Shots

Group Shots

Venue Work